Blips Magazine
New Music Seminar Issue: Miracle Room / Knitting Factory
This tragically low profile three piece band is among the finest purveyors of underground/ experimental sounds
in town. They're free of much of the "art" baggage and frigid virtuosity of many Knitting Factory regulars while
they definitely don't come across as a typical rock unit. The emphasis is on percussion and processed sounds.
The drum set is a sprawling assemblage of sheet metal, oil drums, oxygen tanks and most standard percussion.
Unlike many in the sphere of clang bang art damage music (Missing Foundation, Z'ev, Neubaten, etc.), Miracle
Room practices a lean, understated industrialism and can really mix it up with their vast palette of surfaces and
delay-based effects. For one piece, all three of them played hypnotic afro beats on waterjugs. In another they
all played a long pipe simultaneously as a wind instrument, a drum and a miked, electronically treated
megaphone (ahhh, the wonder of sound). They also have a jam where two of them, using a rod or small pipe as
a slide, play doors (yeah, doors) rigged with guitar strings. It was a bit of a forced "experimental" gesture but it
rocked in a novel, visual way. This band has a foot in the New Age/Fripp pond but the rest of their limbs in the
rock tide.